Niels Schulz

 Dipl.-Inf.-Wirt (FH)


 TEL: +49-221-63060151-1



 >> micro cv



Press coverage


Hartz IV für Kraftwerke

>> Dialog. Energie. Zukunft, 16. Nov, 2015


Bis 2017 werden nur 6,2 GW zugebaut
>> Dow Jones Energy Weekly, 16. Dez. 2011


Studie sieht Flaute bei Gaskraftwerken
>> Dow Jones Energy Daily, 15. Dez. 2011


Bis 2017 nicht einmal jedes zweite angekündigte Gaskraftwerk
>> ZfK,12. Dez. 2011


Our co-operation partners









Analyses for the energy industry >>

Our mission is to provide our customers with excellent information and high quality analyses. We offer support to reduce uncertainties, market intransparencies and lack of information to help our clients to understand the complex connections, opportunities and risks of the constantly changing energy landscape. Our strength is to support opinion-forming and decision-making processes.


Power Industry is our special field. We are independent but well connected. We possess many years of experience in the power sector, large amount of professional expertise. Nevertheless, we keep the overview - even outside the box.


Overview of our main activities >>


  • Research and analysis relating to the German power plant market
    The German power generation market is in fundamental change. In view of over-aged plants, fast-changing conditions, missing investment incentives, strong competition and extreme growth in the renewable energies sector investors are facing very high challenges for their new fossil power generation projects.

    As a potential investor or power plant operator we should talk! Until then we recommend that you read our newsletter Kraftwerke Invest in which we report about all important project-specific, energyeconomic and political news and developments in the German power generation market.

    Customised solutions for our customers including services like market monitoring, research, open source intelligence, data collection, information processing and analysis. The offerings extend from simple research to complex problems which are answered in the form of brief research reports.

  • Second opinion / sparring partner
    Investors in the field of energy are facing decisions which are very capital intensive and which last very long. Therefore you should make use of our knowledge for getting a seond opinion! We are independent and well connected.


Our customers include all participants of the energy market - especially decision-makers, investors, management consultancies, energy intensive companies, ministries, national authorities, associations, political parties, polititians and scientific institutions.